The First E-Club in the United States

About Us

What is an E-Club 

The Perfect Club for Busy People

Many of us have families, demanding jobs, travel extensively  and commute.  We might be called "locationally challenged".  Although we want to become a member of a Zonta Club and Zonta International, our time demands frequently keep us from attending meetings, despite our best intentions.  Another typical member of an E-Club is someone who has moved to an area that does not have a Zonta Club but wants to continue as an active member.  The E-Club allows you to maintain your active membership and participate in regular meetings through the internet.  Finally, there are those of us who have been Zontians for many years and love the organization, but no longer can drive at night or have other restrictions which do not allow us to physically participate.  The E-Club is also the answer for this group of Zontians.  

What does a Z-Club Do?

  • We preform local service
  • We attend regular meetings through the internet
  • We have a diversified membership
  • We provide the opportunity to build relationships
  • We meet the full criteria of Zonta membership
  • We attend District Meetings and Zonta International Conventions

Our Meetings

Our meetings are held using Zoom.us, a free web-based video conferencing capability that allows recording of meetings.  We share information and have discussions via a closed Facebook group. We perform various services within our local communities.  We are developing additonal advocacy and service projects consistent with Zonta International goals and objectives.

Technology for E-Club Meetings

In addition to our web-based video conferencing capability, http.zoom.us and the use of closed www.facebook.com group, there are other electronic tools which are useful to conducting business of an E-Club.

  • Skype - www.skype.com
  • Constant Contact - www.constantcontact.com
  • GoToMeeting - www.gotomeeting.com
  • WebEx - www.webex.com
  • Glance - www.glance.net